A modular and parallelized watershed modeling framework(模块化并行化的流域建模框架)

朱良君, 刘军志*, 秦承志*, 朱阿兴

English version


流域过程模拟需要耦合多个不同的流域子过程以构建符合研究目标、研究区特点等应用条件的流域过程模型, 同时每个子过程通常有各种不同适用条件的具体算法,因此单一的流域过程模型通常难以满足多样化的建模需求。 具有灵活、可扩展等特点的流域过程建模框架应运而生,但现有流域建模框架多关注于建模灵活性, 而对高性能计算的需求支持程度不足。

为此,本文设计并实现了一个灵活易用的高性能流域建模框架——SEIMS(Spatially Explicit Integrated Modeling System)。 SEIMS以模块化结构支持对多过程模拟算法的灵活扩展;支持应用者能以近乎串行编程方式快速开发出适用于多种并行平台的并行化流域模型; 增加了模型层次并行计算,以多层次并行计算中间件的形式实现高性能的流域过程模拟。


  • Development of a modular and parallelized watershed modeling framework. 1st Regional Conference on Environmental Modeling and Software (Asian Region), May. 18–20, 2019. Nanjing, China. Download PPT (alternative download link)



  • 投稿: 2018-9-18

  • 主编: Dr. Dan Ames, 2018-9-19

  • 责任编辑: Dr. Olaf David, 2018-9-26

  • 邀请审稿人: 2018-10-21 (于2018-10-16询问进展)

  • 审稿中: 2018-10-23 (投稿后约40天送审)

  • 审稿意见返回,等待责编意见 (Olaf David): 2018-12-3 (审稿人审稿时间约40天)

  • 等待主编意见 (Dan Ames): 2018-12-4

  • 大修: 2018-12-16

    • 审稿意见1: I found this to be a very interesting contribution to the field of hydrologic modeling. In addition to the work presented to address real-world modeling problems, I really liked the way it continues to build on previous studies.

    • 审稿意见2: The flow of the paper is well-organized, and a lot of effort has clearly been put into the development of an intuitive modular framework for hydrologic modeling, using physical algorithms as modules instead of entire models’ architectures in a plug and play fashion. However, the experimental setup of tradeoffs of utilizing this modular framework is not particularly convincing.

    • 审稿意见3: No general comments provided.

  • 大修后返回,等待主编分配 (Dan Ames): 2019-02-10

  • 等待责编送审 (Olaf David): 2019-02-12

  • 邀请审稿人: 2019-04-04 (于2019-03-07和2019-03-25询问进展)

  • 审稿中: 2019-04-08

  • 审稿意见返回,等待责编意见 (Olaf David): 2019-7-24 (于2019-07-24询问进展)

  • 等待主编意见 (Dan Ames): 2019-8-20 (于2019-08-07询问进展)

  • 接收 (Dan Ames): 2019-9-24 (于2019-09-05询问进展)


Zhu, L.J., Liu, J., Qin, C.Z., and Zhu, A.X., 2019. A modular and parallelized watershed modeling framework, Environmental Modelling & Software, 122: 104526. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.104526

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